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Written by Tony ([email protected]) Hits: 21 , Lines: 22
A question in running your example.
   I am an employee in Agilent Technologies.
   First, I am very thankful that you provide me such a good tool for CGI.
   But I now have a question, that is :
   I have successfully installed the qDecoder in a Linux system. But when I ran the "example.html", the system output the follow information :


Method Not Allowed
The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /gzttest/qDecoder/qDecoder-6.0.5/examples/fetch.cgi.


Apache/1.3.12 Server at Port 80


   I don`t know why this happens. I am a CGI new learner, maybe this question is too easy, but I can`t solve it myself. I hope you can help me . Thanks very much.

Best wishes,
                            tony, guo
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