## qHttpd Setting
qhttpd.BaseDir = /data/www/qdecoder/qhttpd
qhttpd.BinDir = ${qhttpd.BaseDir}/bin
qhttpd.SbinDir = ${qhttpd.BaseDir}/sbin
qhttpd.RunDir = ${qhttpd.BaseDir}/run
qhttpd.LogDir = ${qhttpd.BaseDir}/logs
qhttpd.ConfDir = ${qhttpd.BaseDir}/conf
qhttpd.DataDir = ${qhttpd.BaseDir}/htdocs
qhttpd.TmpDir = /tmp
## the mimetype file
qhttpd.MimeFile = ${qhttpd.ConfDir}/mimetypes.conf
qhttpd.MimeDefault = application/octet-stream
## the pid file which is recorded by egisdavd when it starts
qhttpd.PidFile = ${qhttpd.RunDir}/qhttpd.pid
## listening port
qhttpd.Port = 8081
## number of connection queuing
qhttpd.MaxPending = 5
## number of server processes to start
qhttpd.StartServers = 5
## minimum number of server processes which are kept spare
qhttpd.MinSpareServers = 3
## maximum number of server processes which are kept spare
qhttpd.MaxSpareServers = 5
## maximum number of idle seconds
qhttpd.MaxIdleSeconds = 300
## maximum number of server processes allowed to start
qhttpd.MaxClients = 50
## maximum number of requests a server process serves
qhttpd.MaxRequestsPerChild = 3000
## number of seconds to wait for the next request
qhttpd.KeepAliveEnable = YES
## number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
qhttpd.ConnectionTimeout = 5
## TTL Control
## number of seconds of contents expiration
qhttpd.ResponseExpires = 300
## Log Setting
## error log format
qhttpd.ErrorLog = qhttpd-%Y%m%d.err
## access log format
qhttpd.AccessLog = qhttpd-%Y%m%d.log
## number of seconds to rotate log
qhttpd.LogRotate = 86400
## log level, 0:SYSTEM, 1:ERROR, 2:WARNING, 3:INFO, 4:DEBUG
qhttpd.LogLevel = 2
## Server Status Setting
qhttpd.StatusEnable = YES
qhttpd.StatusUrl = /qhttpd/server-status